#松本市 #古田整体院 #ヨガ カイロプラクティック ヨガレッスン
お問い合わせは、下記の予約ホームからかTEL0263-28-5058 までお問い合わせください。
『ピンチャマユーラアサナ』 (Pincha Mayurasana)
ピンチャマユーラアサナは肘倒立とも言われる逆転のポーズです。 行う前の注意ポイント 背中、肩、首に痛みがある 高血圧 頭痛 月経 初めての方、慣れない方は以下をお使いください。 壁 ヨガブロック ヨガストラップ 準備ポーズ Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward dog) Uttanasana Gomukhasana Makarasana (forearm downdog) 効果 【7つの効果】 1-上半身の強化 逆転ポーズ、肩回りの筋肉は体を支えるので、徐々に筋力アップしていきます。 1. Upper Back Strength Pincha is renowned for its capabilities of strengthening the shoulders and upper back muscles. You can feel the work happening even as you hold the posture! With the correct alignment and guidance the upper back can become a place of grounded strength and support. 2-バランスアップ 集中が必要なポーズ、バランスキープのために小さい筋肉(インナーマッスル)を使い姿勢が良くなり、安定します。2. Improved Balance
This posture is a challenging balance and it takes concentration and focus in order to stay up. The tiny muscles used to help stabilize the posture are accessed without much thought on our end, and as we utilize those muscles more we procure better balance in all other areas of our life. 3-日々のストレスを忘れ、ゼロになり落ち着いていきます。 最初はこのポーズはきついかもしれませんが、逆転のポーズに入る時、脳は血流が良くなります。 そして集中するのでネガティブな気持ちや心配ごとなどは、心から離れていきます。3. Calming The Mind
Turning upside down is a wonderful way to relieve stress and combat depression. It brings fresh blood to the brain to reinvigorate the mind, and energize our bodies. The mindful dedication to the present moment that it takes to stay balanced upside down leaves no room for those nagging, worrisome thoughts that pollute our heads daily. Pincha leaves us at peace and certainly a little less stressed out. 4-脇の筋肉の強化 大事な筋肉「前鋸筋」という筋肉です。肩関節を守ってくれます。 姿勢を良くし、肩甲骨の動きも良くなります。4. Igniting The Side Body
This upside down shape requires a lot of muscular toning in the outer torso area. The muscles that zig-zag between the ribs are known as the serratus muscles and they are activated in a big way in Pincha. These muscles are what help us lift up and out of the shoulders and arms, and provide a stable upside down stance. 5-ストレッチ効果 体の全面、全てがストレッチされるのを感じます。5. Stretch Out
Even a straight up-and-down Pincha stretches out the front of the body, but specifically any back bending variations will help stretch out the entire frontal plane of the body including the thighs, hips, belly and chest. 6-集中力 ポーズに入るために集中することは、ヨガマットの上だけではなく、私生活でも使えるようになります。 6. Enticing Focus This posture takes all your concentration and focus to maintain balance. Lose sight of that focus for even a split second and you could for-go the hold. It builds the kind of focus that can be created on your mat and then taken off into the outside world to be applied to many different aspects of your life. 7-肩から腕、手首まで強くなります。 腕から手首まで、体を支えるため強くなります。たるんだ二の腕もさよならできます。7. Develop Arm Strength
Perhaps it goes without saying that the upper arms (triceps, deltoid and smaller structures) get strengthened here. However, the lower arms are what provide your weight-bearing base, and as such they get stronger (along with your wrists) with every hold too. So you see, once you have found your Pincha Mayurasana Pose the journey is not over. In fact you will have just begun working through all these specific areas in this particular shape.

- Let`s try!!!!!
