古田整体院 松本市 ヨガ 整体 理学療法士 トレーニング
ヨガとサイクリング (English below)
腰部、尻のストレッチ Easy Spinal Twist
Bridge Pose
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Bound Angle Pose
Baddha Konasana
Yoga and cycling.
Riding a bycicle either on Spinning or outdoor cycling are cardio workouts that require powerful legs and knees, flexible hips, and a strong back and core. If you recruit that kind of energy on a regular basis, it’s easy for your body and mind to get out of sync. But spending time on your yoga mat can be very useful to regain much-needed balance. These poses can soothe body aches for faster recovery and lowered risk of injury, as well as stretch and strengthen your muscles to prep you for your next stint in the saddle.
Easy Spinal Twist
Good for stretching the lower back and hips Lie on your back and bring your knees to
your chest. Keep your right knee into your chest and extend your left leg straight out
onto the mat. Bring your left hand to the
outside of your right knee. On an exhale,
pull your right knee across your body to the left, keeping both shoulder blades pressed
to the mat. Extend your right arm to the side and look out over your right shoulder. Hold
for 60 seconds; switch sides.
Bridge Pose
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Good for stretching chest and neck, and strengthening the lower back by reversing the standard, hunched-over Spinning position Lie on your back with your knees bent and
feet on the mat, hip-distance apart. Reach
down along the mat with your fingertips close to your heels, palms down. On an exhale, push into your feet to lift your hips. Once your hips are fully lifted, your knees should be directly above your ankles. Try to roll your shoulder blades toward each other. Hold for about 10 breaths. Release your arms; slowly roll down, one vertebra at a time.
Bound Angle Pose
Baddha Konasana
Good for stretching and toning the lower back, hips, and
inner thighs From a seated position, bring the soles of your feet together close
to your body, with knees dropping to the sides. Walk your hands out in front of you as far as is comfortable until you feel a good stretch in your low back and inner thighs. Look down while keeping an extension in your spine. If your knees are high in the air, modify the pose by moving your feet a little farther from your body. Hold for 10 breaths.