



2/21/2017 松本市 古田整体院 整体 ヨガ プロアスリート ハムストリング(膝の後ろの腱)とふくらはぎの筋肉を使うヨガ English version below   ヨガの一つ一つの姿勢にはそれぞれ違う部位の筋肉を使い、動かしほぐすことが出来ます。 ヨガにより筋肉を収縮させることで、体全体のコリを軽減し、基礎代謝がよくなり、体全体で効果を感じることが出来ます。   今日は下半身(ふくらはぎ、アキレス腱、ハムストリング(膝の後ろの腱))のヨガストレッチをご紹介します。 ヨガの基本、太陽礼拝の姿勢の中の一つ、ダウンドッグはウォーミングアップになり、体全体の筋肉をストレッチするとともにハムストリング(膝の後ろ)を刺激し、脚のむくみ改善につながります。 まずはしっかりと息を吐きながらはじめます。 両足を腰幅に広げて立ち、膝を曲げ肩の真下に手首を置いて四つん這いの姿勢になり、つま先は立てます。アルファベットのⅤを逆さまにしたポーズになります。 両手のひらを一歩手前に出して腰を後ろに引きます。 息を吐きながらゆっくりと両膝を床から離して膝裏を伸ばし、お尻を斜め後ろに引き上げた状態で、かかとを床につけます。 まずは、脚より、背筋を伸ばすこと、そしてこの時両足の重心を均等にかけるようにします。目線はおへそで、鼻から吸って吐きながら深呼吸を続けます。 最初はきついかもしれませんが、やっているうちに体が柔らかくなり気持ちがよくなっていきます。 なので、最初は無理をせずに毎日少しずつでいいので続けていきましょう! Downward facing dog (ダウンドッグ)   walking on the spot (ヴォキングオンザスポット)     Yoga for athletes, targeting hamstrings and calfs Yoga postures (asanas, to give the proper term) can be used like a personal toolkit, effectively targeting specific muscle groups. The muscle-stretching and lengthening benefits of yoga are particularly relevant as a post-training protocol, as muscle contraction and tightness can result in discomfort and increase the risk of injury. Here is a simple yoga posture to target muscle tightness in the lower body and major leg muscles, providing excellent post-training recovery benefits in a matter of minutes. Areas targeted:
  • Legs and lower body: calf muscles, achilles, hamstrings
Downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is a fundamental yoga posture, forming a central move in yoga Sun Salutations – a sequence of poses often used as a yoga warm-up. Performing downward-facing dog provides a full-body strength and muscle lengthening stretch, however this slightly adapted version places particular emphasis on stretching the legs. How To Standing with your feet a hip widths apart, bend your knees, lowering your palms to be placed on the mat either side of your feet. Ensure weight of the upper body is evenly distributed across the shoulders, arms and hands, and that the weight of the lower body is evenly distributed on each leg. Essentially this posture sees the body stretch into an inverted V shape. To enhance the intensity of the stretch – and tightlevel of upper body resistance required to support the posture – further extend your feet away from the upper body. Whilst firmly in this position, gently bend each knee in alternation, holding each time to increase the intensity of the stretch to the major muscles at the back of the legs. If you are flexible, performing this move with the soles of your feet flat on the mat or floor will provide optimum intensity of the stretch. Equally, this move can also be done with heels raised off the floor. Repeating this movement of gently and slowly ‘walking on the spot’ whilst in downward-facing dog will not only provide an excellent stretch for contracted and tight muscles after training, but performed regularly will enhance flexibility of these muscles, and continued practice should provide a marked improvement in lower body flexibility and range of movement over time. This release of muscle contraction and gradual increase of flexibility helps to protect against the risk of injury incurred by tight muscles – such as strains and ruptures. As well as providing comprehensive recovery and injury prevention benefits for the legs, assuming this posture also requires good upper body strength and core control. The resistance is excellent for improving upper body strength and muscle-toning. Athletes have much to benefit from by adding simple yoga postures like this to their post-training recovery protocol.  
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  • 定休日日曜日
  • ※火曜午後15:00~20:30